Batch Compile Dialog

The Batch Compile dialog is available from the Authoring menu (main window), and allows you to compile a list of MS Help project files (MS Help 1.x and MS Help 2.x). The combined compiler output is logged to a single log file. At the end of the log is a summary of what files have been created, and the total number of errors and warnings reported.

FAR Batch file format is an ASCII file containing a simple list of project files. Either relative and absolute paths are allowed (Relative to the Batch file location).

Menu Commands
File Menu

The current filename is displayed in the window title bar. If you cannot read the full filename, widen the window (window is sizable).

Edit Menu
Compile Menu
Help Menu

Contains a selection of commands from the windows main menu.

File List
File List Popup Menu

Right-click the list to show the popup menu. It contains a selection of commands from the main window, plus 2 additional commands.

Note:  Relative paths are short and simple. However if you ever want to move the location of the Batch file (not relative to the project files in the list), you should first convert all file paths to being full paths.