H2 Project Editor

Introduction | Getting Started | Menu |
H2 Project | General | Project Files | Navigation | Appearance | Compile | RegisterView |

The "H2 Project Editor" window is available from the Authoring menu  (main window), and from Windows Explorer when you right-click a .HxC project file and select "Open with FAR". Use the Help 2 Project Editor to create or modify Hep Project and Collection files.

Alternatively you can create these files using the FAR Help 2.x Project or Collection wizards.


The H2 Project Editor allows you to create and edit MS Help 2 collection (.HxC) files, as well as other associated (.Hx?) project files. There are two types of HxC files:

(1) HxC Project file used to compile a .HxS help file.

(2) HxC Collection-Level  file used to merge several help files at run-time. Collection-Level files are installed and registered with your .HxS help files. If you want to merge your .HxS help file with another collection (eg. MSDN Help) then these files are required. Usually the Help Collection wizard is an easier way to generate these files.

Note that MS Help SDK Application (Workshop), does not support creating the latter but does providing relevant documentation.

New to MS Help 2? Read the MS Help Primer.

About Green Links:

Throughout this help, and throughout the FAR Help 2 dialogs you will observer several green links. Click these links to access relevant VS SDK help located online (from the MSDN Web site)

Getting Started

MS Help 2 (.HxC) project files differ from the older MS HTML Help (.HHP) project files. MS Help 2 project files keep their list of content files in a separate  (.HxF) Include file.  Also, with MS Help 2 you must specify every file you want included in the final .HxS Help file (with HH 1.x the compiler would auto-included files for you). The TOC and Index information are still kept in separate files, but are now .HxT and .HxK XML files. URLs for the Home page, Default page, etc are now defined in yet another Index file typically called NamedURL.HxK.

All project file are now in XML format. These can be viewed in a text editor and are reasonably easy to read. The MS Help 2 SDK (VSHIK) documentation describes their format. You will find plenty of documentation about XML on the web. The MSDN web site is a good source of XML info.

.HxC Project definition file. Contains all project settings and references to other project files. This is the file type you load into this editor.
.HxF Include file. Contains a list of content files to be compiled into the final .HxS help file. The Collection-level files do not need a HxF file.
.HxT Table Of Contents definition file.
.HxK Index definition file. Each Index file is given a unique "Index Name". It's very important to get the Index names right. It's the Index Name, not the file name, that defines the type of index. Name "K" is typically used for the Keyword Index; Name "A" for the Associative Index; Name "NamedURLIndex" for the Named URL index - it contains URLs for the HomePage, DefaultPage etc. Name "F" for the Context help mapping Index; All these index files are optional since index entries can be embedded directly into topics (.HTML) files.

Read about others Hx? project file types in the MS Help SDK documentation:

Unicode Support

Unlike MS HH 1.x, MS Help 2 now supports Unicode. Use "File > Save As" to change the file encoding of the current project. When you change the HxC file encoding, FAR will ask you if you want to change the encoding on all other associated Hx? project files.

Tip: For those working with foreign language characters you may find that ASCII files causes compile errors. In this case try converting your files into UTF-8 format.

Read more about Unicode support.

File Menu

The two Wizards included in the File menu provide a fast and painless way to create projects or collections. They do the same job as this window does except they automate and simply the process. You may find (as we have) that the Collection Wizard is actually more useful than manually creating the collection level files.

Command Menu

Note#1 - This command is disabled when editing "collection-level" HxC files. Collection-level files do not require content file lists, nor can they be compiled.

View Menu
Help Menu

H2 Project Page
About Project Types

There are two types of HxC files. The first type can be compiled to a help (.HxS) file. The second type is a "collection-level" .HxC file. Collection-level files (.HxC, .HxT, .HxK, .Hx?), are shipped uncompressed, and define how the .HxS help files merge together at run-time.

About Collection-level .HxC files:

  • Are not compiled.
  • Are shipped uncompressed, along with other associated collection-level .Hx? files.
  • Look like normal HxC files, but contain no compiler settings (or compile settings are ignored).
  • The Hx? files do not use a DTD file. Example: A HxC header will be
    <!DOCTYPE HelpCollection> instead of
    <!DOCTYPE HelpCollection SYSTEM "MS-Help://Hx/Resources/HelpCollection.DTD">.
  • Collection-level files do not require a HxF include file.

The Project page allows you to select the HxC file editing mode:

  1. Create a Project .HxC file used to compile a (.HxS) help files.
  2. Create a Collection. Create a set of Collection-level files.

You'll pick it up as you go along.
Use 1) to create help (.HxS) files.
Use 2) if you want to create a multi-help file collection. Only this type of collection can plug (Merge) into another collection such as ms.vscc or borland.bds.

When moving between editing modes some fields and pages will be disabled or become hidden. The Compile page is only available in mode 1 although in Mode 2 the editor does allow you to list your collections Mode 1 projects and compile them as batch compilation.


If you get stuck then use the wizards instead of manually setting up things in this project editor window. The first Wizard guides you in creating a help project. The second guides you in creating a collection. The second is a late addition to FAR. We find it extremely useful and now create and register all our collections using the Collection Wizard.

Types of Registration:

Single Help file Collections Ship only the compiled help file. At install time register (under a unique Namespace) the single HxS help file as both the collection file and the collection help title. This kind of collection can NOT plug (merge) into another collection. So its main use is for test purposes.
Multiple Help file Collections Ship all compiled help files (created in mode 1) and the Hx? collection-level files (created in mode 2). At install time you register (under a unique Namespace) the collection-level .HxC file as the main collection file, then register all the compiled help files as collection help titles. Make sure the collection-level HxT includes all help titles (by registered TitleId) so they appear in the master TOC.

Collection-level Hx Files: (Edit Mode 2)

Table Of Contents (.HxT) The collection-level HxT file typically contains include file statements. Example: An include statement of "TestCol1" will cause the TOC of the Help Title (.HxS file) registered under a Title ID of "TestCol1" to be included into the master TOC at run-time.
Index (.HxK) Each collection-level Index file is normally gutted of all Name-Value data pairs. The important thing here is to specify the correct INDEX NAME. The name can be edited using a text editor. Example: <HelpIndex Name="K" ...>. The name "K" specified as a "Keyword Index" in the Navigation Page, tells the system that at run-time, all K Indexes found in the help files, should be merged together to form a single Keyword Index.
Include File (.HxF) Don't use .HxF files in Edit Mode 2.

See SDK Help for further information:

General page

Note#1 - Checkbox is disabled when editing collection-level HxC collections.

Project Files page
Project File List - Add all required project files to this list. Right-click for the options menu. Typically you will need to add a .HxF Include file (Collection-Level HxC only: HxF contains your list of topic, image etc files), a .HxT Table Of Contents file, a HxK Keyword file named "K" (containing Keywords for the index navigation tab) and a HxK Index file named "NamedURLINdex" containing URLs for HomePage, DefaultPage etc.

Popup Menu commands (Right-click the list):

The Project List itself contains a File Type column. This displays the File Encoding of the file so you can see at a glance if your project files are ANSI/Unicode/UTF-8 encoded.

As project files are added, FAR tries to automatically setup the appropriate Navigation page setting for you. EG. Add a Index file named "K" and if the Keyword Edit field (Navigation Page) is unassigned, FAR will assign "K" to it.

Note that all project files you add to this list, are automatically included in the final .HxS help file at compile time. Project list files need not be added to the HxF include file.

The .HxF include file may contain wild cards such as *.*, *.htm, images\*.*, etc. Enter these type of file entries via a text editor (select "Edit As Text" from the popup menu), as the supplied HxF editor only supports entering real filenames.

HxF include files are NOT required in project edit mode 2 (collection-level file editing).

HxF Project file Example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE HelpFileList SYSTEM "MS-Help://Hx/Resources/HelpFileList.DTD">
<HelpFileList DTDVersion="1.0">
    <File Url="*.gif"/>
    <File Url="*.htm"/>
    <File Url="*.html"/>
    <File Url="*.jpg"/>
    <File Url="images\*.gif"/>
    <File Url="images\*.jpg"/>
    <File Url="test\tester.htm"/>
HxK Named URL Index Example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE HelpIndex SYSTEM "MS-Help://hx/resources/HelpIndex.DTD">
<HelpIndex Name="NamedUrlIndex" DTDVersion="1.0" FileVersion="1.0">
<Keyword Term="HomePage">
    <Jump Url="dl.htm"/>
<Keyword Term="DefaultPage">
    <Jump Url="dl.htm"/>


Navigation page

Each Drop down list contains entries from "Project Files" page.

Edit Mode 2 (run-time collections)

  • Collection-level index files can be guttered of index items. Only header items are required.
  • Collection-level TOC files normally contains one or more include statements. These statements reference TOC files in the help titles. Normally all that is required is to enter the help TitleID. Example: A help TitleID "Fred" containing TOC "ms-help://mynamespace/Fred/contents1.hxt" can be included via a TOC include statement "Fred".


Appearance page


Compile page
Mode 1 Editing - Project-Level

These settings are used at compile time by the MS Help 2 compiler. This page is not available when editing a Collection-level .HxC.

Mode 2 Editing - Collection-Level

MS Help collection-level files cannot be compiled to anything. They simply define how the collection (document set) hangs together at run-time. However in Collection-Level Editing, FAR allows you to optionally setup a list of HxC Projects files (used to create HxS Help files). These can are compiled as a single batch job when you hit the compile button.

Projects page (Mode 2 only)

The projects page is only available in Mode 2 editing. You can add any HxC or HxM project files to the list and when you press Compile FAR will compile them all. When you press Auto-Register FAR will register them all. We did this so you can open one file and compile all of its associated project files that create HxS, HxI, HxR and HxQ files, in one go.

Some notes on format and order:

Information on the controls and functionality of this page can be found in the Batch Compile window help. The only differences for the H2 Editors batch compile page are:


Register page
MS Help 2.x help files can only be viewed once they are register. This page helps you to quickly register a collection so you can test it.

Note that at the time of writing spaces within the Namespace or FileID Identifiers cause big problems. Try to avoid spaces.

Tip: To check which Namespace and FileIDs are in use by other collections, open the H2 Utilities window from the Commands menu. It is a good idea to prefix your Namespace with your company or product name. EG. "MS.VSCC"


View page

View Collection - View your collection in the viewer of your choice. The collection to viewer is specified by the Namespace field in the Register page.


There are many features of MS Help that neither Workshop or FAR have begun to touch on. Keep an eye on the Helpware web site for FAR updates. http://www.helpwaregroup.com/products/far
  Remember information on how to create Virtual Topics, Samples, Attribute definition files etc are detailed in the MS Help SDK documentation. Like Workshop, FAR will not inhibit you from using these advanced features of MS Help.
